Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Meeting Minutes 10/18
Monday, October 1, 2012
Meeting Minutes 9/27/12
Friday, September 14, 2012
Meeting Minute Mania! 9/13/12
7:16- The meeting opens with a jovial "Fuck the Doctor Who Club!"
7:17- Select is not a U.S. Citizen
7:21- Mary Jane HATES comic books!
7:34- Dan struggles to recite his immaculetly planned out presidental speech
7:42- Arman is dangerously close to death
7:44- Marie wants to be in the minutes. Good for her.
7:45- It's simply Arman's name scribbled out with a no sign over it. I don't remember what this refered to, but I assume it was warrented.
7:48- We discuss buying Comic Con tickets. I already bought mine, so I kind of spaced out.
7:49- We all learn a lot about Mary Jane's new and improved class schedule.
7:52: Javier- "Anyone seen a Pony Pen around here?"
7:54: I trust Raelle with the minutes. She writes "Marie is stupid." I approve.
7:58: Dan- "Boom Boom! I'm the Mega Man!"
8:00: People are drawing the Hulk nude.
8:03: Andrew makes new friends over Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. I didn't have enough experience to contribute but suffice to say, the conversation lasted a long time.
8:05: Everyone loves that show about the Community College
8:10: The M. Night Shamylan film "The Last Airbender" is brought up. Javier melts.
8:13: Alf!
8:20: Max stumbles upon the secret truth of the CBL: We are trapped in a 90's nostalgia loop.
8:34: Dan- "Your real name is Richie Rich. Your family had to change it to escape the Holocaust."
8:45: We have NO IDEA about the details of a rave at NYCC. We usually just go home and cry afterwards.
8:50: We are going as the Magic School Bus to Comic Con!
9:05: Someone needs to light this Marijuana farm on fire
9:18: Ghana has a king? News to me.
At this point, my terrible chain smoking related head cold became too much and I had to leave. I assume you all just discussed how much you hate me. I'M ONTO YOU.
Long Live The League!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Greetings Earthlings
I'll probably put the Meeting Minutes on here, as is custom, but perhaps reviews, news, or op-eds about fringe presidential candidates. I'm even willing to post YOUR articles and reviews. Probably not. I'm pretty lazy. This is already getting long and incoherent, so I will return you to your summer. Happy Shark in July.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Meeting Minutes (3/29/12)
Select here with whatever
This coming Thursday will be DOOMCON: the Roast of Doctor Doom. Bring your villainous action figures to the event as we dedicate an event to our fearless Latverian leader. Also, there will be refreshments and company there, so be sure to come anyway
Remember, Publication is due on April 26th, so be sure to continue drawing to meet the deadline
6:25- Adam West Hawkman :D
6:34- Tito from Rocket Power ~ I once had a family, THEY’RE DEAD!
6:35- If you could only eat one kind of food- (BUBBLE TEA) ~two random people sitting behind Select
6:44- Seth! We’re all the Animalman!
6:48- Krang’s favorite phrase: “Home is where you hang your hat.”
6:56- Marvel now presenting: the Fartastic Four
7:10- We cheered for Javier for his contribution to DOOMCON
7:28- Roald Dahl’s To Kill a Mockingbird would be much, much different…
7:29- The Lorax rhymes with Mockingbird (based on Andrew Scott)
7:37- We get free condoms
7:44- Melodie emotionally scarred Select and Seth for life
7:53- Mel and Seth throws condoms around
7:55- Hey! It’s a mitten! ~ Dan
7:56- MUST INVESTIGATE FURTHER ~Select, Ok… ~Andrew Scott
8:08- Zen will mate with a cow at DOOMCON
8:28- number 9… number 9…
8:42- Fat people love to eat, right Mike? ~ Seth
8:51- Doc Oc with only 6 arms would be Senor Squid
9:29- Whatever it is, put it down ~ Arnold S.
10:27- Taft was the first concept of MODOK, as a young Stan Lee saw him stuck in the Presidential tub and thought to himself how miserable it would be for a fat man to be stuck in a metal thing
And… Yeah.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Meeting Minutes (3/22/12) - Democracy Day
Select here with the meeting minutes and all that
Publication is due in five weeks (April 26th or perhaps the earlier deadline of April 19th though no one will meet that)
For the action figure party (DOOMCON), we need a Moleman and a Scream action figures. We also need a Diorama and 2 action figure sized tables. (These are just notes of noting. If you wish to help e-mail President Mike) This’ll be in a few weeks, so prepare your most heinous villains for an upcoming party: the Roast of Doctor Doom!
We have also voted for our future representatives of the CBL, whether you were there or not.
Future President: Dan Costales
Future Vice President: Michael Cheung (Select)
Future Treasurer: Andrew Choi
Future Secretary: Seth Finklestein
Future Mascot: Will? Or was it Andrew Scott? I don't remember...
Everyone else: Everyone else...
I assume you all voted for me, so thank you all a bunch
6:16- Sailor Palin – someone tell John Calhoun! ~Dan
6:23- There are Manhattan Whale watchers all across the city who stalk our aquatic mammalian hero
6:46- Larfleeze is the Tigger of the DC Universe, he’s the only one! :D
6:51- You can Dubstep on a saxophone! :DD
6:52- Here comes the Big Lebowski! ~ Dan
7:00- Ms. Wonder Woman, you’re trying to seduce me…
7:04- You can’t do the Hobbit after Lord of the Rings (for film) ~Mel
7:10- Little known fact: Jona Hex is the lost Jonas Brother
7:17- David ~ I know Baggins is an asshole
7:26- Dan claims Liefeld proportions don’t exist UNLESS you’re on steroids
7:34- Select called Rebekkah a Hollaback Girl
7:37- Marie: (Seth) WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT! 0_o
7:40- They specifically made Billy Batson in New 52 Justice League Issue 7 an asshole JUST to ruin Select’s hopes and dreams ~Seth
7:53- President Mike votes for Freddy Krueger: a vote for him is a vote for “No Child Left Behind”
7:59- Mary Jane visited or something
8:00- We view a man carry stuff with his man organ.
8:01- Please Don’t Not Come ~ Dan
8:10- Select runs against Andrew Scott for position of Vice President for next year
8:21- Eiton is a man-god, SHUT UP! ~Dan
8:22- Think not what Select can do for you, but what you can do for Select! ~SELECT WINS :D
8:30- various people have gotten haircuts or are going to get haircuts
8:31- we’re going around comparing our haircuts! ~ Umla the Scarecrow
8:32- It’s Star Wars Day! May the 4th Be With You! (told several months before actual Star Wars day)
8:45- Spiderman was a Webmaster, because he can shoot webs
9:28- You are listening to KOBRA radio!
10:50 – Select forgets to write meeting minutes down as he is hearing a rousing tale about Guild Wars 3
Now if you will excuse me, I will continue to watch Doctor Who, starting from the First Doctor onwards.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Meeting Minutes (3/15/12) - Return of the Madness
Select here with the maddening Meeting Minutes again
Due to the fact that my Spring Break has consisted of sitting at home doing nothing for most of the Break, I’ve gone mad with loneliness and therefore the voices in my head have once again returned. Seeing as “Mike” and “Dan” won’t stop pestering me about meeting minutes, I might as well satisfy them with whatever the imaginary versions of my friends are doing.
On the Aquabats popularity poll on the Hubworld for their show The Aquabats Super Show, MC Bat Commander is currently the most popular character on the show as of Episode 2. This is followed by Jimmy the Robot, Crash McLarson, EagleBones Falconhawk and finally Ricky Fitness. Ricky better get his own episode soon or he might lose in the popularity contest that is children’s television polls!

The weather in the San Francisco Bay Area is currently rainy followed by a chance of rain with a probability of drizzle. Or just cloudy, whichever comes first.
In Sports, children are playing in their recesses since they do not get spring breaks yet.
7:00- Select finishes playing Spiral Knights when Mike pesters him to write minutes
7:05- Select misquotes Dan for the five hundredth time he is Secretary and is berated once again
7:10- “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” ~Abraham Lincoln
7:13- Houdini is a thief who stole works from Long Tack-Sam
7:16- Sir Francis Bacon, also known as his pen name William Shakespeare, is the greatest play writer of our time
7:20- Cat~ “Down with the Bourgeois!”
7:23- “We are your average ordinary, superhuman punishers of evil ROCK AND ROLL BAND!” ~Mike
7:29- Strange enough Mary Jane and Armon decided to show up
7:35- Courtney beams in from space and tells us to buy the DLC for Mass Effect 3
7:40- Phil ~ “That’s a lie! Journalism is nothing like Tin-Tin!”
7:50- The Leaguers won’t leave Select alone when he is dining with his family
8:00-Alan Moore’s Watchmen is about Men with Watches
8:05- Batman Year One is about Batman as a freshman in Gotham University, where the nerd Bruce Wayne keeps the campus safe from bullying frat boys
8:10- Payton never watched Pulp Fiction
8:25- Andrew ~ “STOP SINGING THAT SONG!”
8:30- Bob Marley ~ “Money Can’t Buy Life.”
9:00- Select is introduced to the horror fan fiction that is “The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing.”
9:03- Seth ~ “C’mon guys, I’m the only one who brings comics every meeting. Stop trying to sacrifice me!”
9:45- David ridicules me for not including him in the minutes and constantly forgetting his name
10:01- Rorschach’s Journal: 10:01, March 15. Farted in Silk Spectre’s face with pants down. Funny. Good Joke. Night Owl horrified at my actions. Doctor Manhattan strangely intrigued by my actions. Must investigate further…
10:05- The publication will be canceled in favor of all our money being pooled to genetically create real Pokemonsters
10:10- Mike promised to leave my head if I take back the previous statement
And after that, something happened.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Meeting Minutes (3/9/12)
Select here with more meeting minutes
As I type this, it is noted that I’m taking my spring break here in California, which is strange since while it is sunny and nice back in Manhattan it’s rainy and cold here in the Bay Area. Not to mention that all my friends are currently in class and are not in their spring breaks, but whatcha gonna do?
The Artist Formally Known as Captain Marvel, I mean Shazam is making a comeback in the World of DC in the backups of the Justice League comics.
Those who know me know that I love the Artist Formally Known as Captain Marvel, so it can’t be that bad…
In Other News,
Select has finished Chapter 4 of Hephaestus. Not to be a advertisement grabber, but go read it. Now. I mean it.
And now, for something completely different:
7:16- It’s funny because you’re fat ~ Javier
7:19- Select, calm down ~ President Mike to Select on talking about Whaling Schoolgirls
7:29- Chick-Fillet is the bane of Cat.
7:33- Ash from Pokemon grew a year younger according to sources
7:36- Did you hear about the fat kid from Bang Bus? He’s in a porno! ~ Dan (as I continue to misquote)
7:53- Man the Antman/Manant is the foe of the Aquabats
7:56- We learn about Moyashimon from Javier, an anime about talking bacteria that apparently Javier learned so much about bacteria from.
8:04- We vote to get an Iron Sheik action figure for DOOMCON2012
8:09- Stop hitting me in the face with things! ~ Mike
8:19- According to Dan, women aren’t people. They’re T-Rexes and lay eggs.
8:30- The Single Y Chromosome person is elephant man ~ Cat
8:35- Joni- (Javier) He really looks like Kevin Bacon!
8:47- Dubstep is in actuality the recording of Transformers masterbating. It just so happened that someone was recording it and thought it to be music.
8:47- the Cobra Winfrey Show comes after Mr. Cobra’s Neighborhood on the Cobra Network
8:55- Two and a Half Mutties would be a show about Cable, Deadpool and Hope as a sitcom
9:09- Zartan would host the Xtreme Drone Makeover show on the Cobra Network
9:29- Mike wins the meeting: What about the Windshield Vipers?
9:30- Monty Python Patrol’s Flying Circus would air on the late nights for the Cobra Network
10:29- Select was shot down on a sing-a-long for the Pokemon theme song by Andrew
10:41- On the Peewee Herman mask, Select: That looks like a rapist mask…
Well, enough of that. See you all next time.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Red Hulk Donkey Punches Colossus
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Meeting Minutes (3/2/12)
There is no such thing as Spring Break. It’s a lie, an urban legend: like the Easter Bunny, Chocolate Jesus, and American Universal Healthcare.
Also, the Aquabats Super Show was a most excellent hit! I recommend watching it yourself.
For the Manga-people out there, the latest issue of Shonen Jump magazine is the last to be published in print in America.
That’s right, folks. That thing with the Dragon Ball Z’s and the Naruto’s and the Bleach’s and the One Piece and the scantily clad Japanese cartoons for adolescent boys got the print boot. Though this isn’t the end of Shonen Jump (as they are going digital now and one can buy the printed completed volumes once they are out), this also means that a major distribution method of manga that we grew up with is now gone with time. Here’s to Shonen Jump magazine, which I at least send it off gracefully unlike the actual editors who just say “DERP, SEE YOU ALL DITIAL!”
6:53- Dan: “You’re reading this book backwards! Your argument is invalid” (reading Shonen Jump magazine, the last one there is)
7:05- Javier: “I’m going to special summon a Fetus!
7:17- the meeting minutes have been misspelled since President Mike wrote the meeting minutes ~ Andrew
7:39- Batman: Brave and the Bold Aquaman is the best Aquaman
7:43- What if Aquaman’s gills IS his beard?
7:44- We take a crap on anime dubs by poorly dubbing over a manga ourselves
7:56- Einstein: E=MC SUCK ON THIS, BITCHES
7:58- Mary Jane and (NAME CENSORED HERE) show up for 7 minutes
8:05- Paula Dean is the Butteress
8:06- Now on the Hub, the Aqua-Colts
8:16- Seth is now Seth-Pool: a Seth that’s also a pile of SHIT
8:25- Black Widow has 2 guns to fight of an entire alien invasion in the avengers movie
8:27- Hulk X Hawkeye pairings are now canon
8:37- The Silver Surfer wouldn’t wear high heels ~Seth looking at a “superhero inspired fashion model”
8:42- this program has been brought to you by the letter BLUMP!
8:47- Batman fights the Falconees
9:05- turns out the stormtroopers are all Boba Fett (would’ve been Bubba Fett though)
9:25- Select finally Snaps and becomes as apolitically correct as he possibly can
9:36- FUCK the Drake! ~Team Sheikie
10:03- America’s Next Top Priority: JAVIER
10:06- Macebook = the network for the LARPING community
10:08- Yay Verily, They Can Call Me Greaser Greg ~Greaser Greg in a LARP
10:06- Garbage Pail Kids is Revenge of the Nerds on CRACK. Therefore, the Garbage Pail Kids are Chaotic Good
Well, that’s that.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Meeting Minutes (2/23/12)
In a good week from now, Hub’s The Aquabats television series will premiere.
On another note, there is no episode for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic this week
Looks like Select has to do something about that
6:41- Moleman is a grave robber who resells the coffins he digs from the underground on the second hand market
6:56- Andrew (when Aton shows up): Oh! Speak of the Devil!
Javi: Huh, I was expecting the devil
7:04- Howard the Duck may have duck gentiles
7:05- the unread Dr. Seuss adult themed book would include “Threesomes, Foursomes, and Moresomes”
7:09- Dan wants a dog and a cat making out for a good amount of time in front of him on his birthday
7:15- We invent Kid Businessman: Christian Conservative Superhero, the perfect representation of a minority for Mr. Jerry Smith of the Avengers Academy #26’s letters page
7:34- Iron Sheik ~Good Morning Everyone, Have a Nice Day, FUCK the Ultimate Warrior
7:42- Iron Sheik loves alternative comics ~ Seth
7:47- Raisin balls and grasshopper dicks are to be appetizers for DOOMCON2012
7:52- When are we going to see the sex tape between Shaq and his short girlfriend? ~Seth
8:08- I AM THOR… McJohnson…
8:15- Hogan knows best ~Mike
8:25- The mugger who kills Uncle Ben in Spiderman may be Papa Johns
8:55- Why is Venom on the cover?
9:01- Jigsaw from the Saw series + The Mummy from the Mummy series = Yami Yugi from Yugioh
9:27- “We Can Do Anything By Working With Each Other…”
9:37- Dan will record Select’s voice saying “YAY” and “awww… “ for future meetings once Select gets hit by a bus next week. Wait
9:52- Seth’s favorite show is “How I Meet Your Mother”
9:58- Is Dog Hell actually Cat Heaven?
10:02- In a knockoff amusement park, there would be an Iron Sheik 3d Ride where Iron Sheik would do nothing but berate you the entire ride
10:17- Mary Jane was stalked by a creeper two weeks ago (from Scooby Doo)
10:19- Mary Jane of our universe is the Mary Jane Watson counterpart for the Marvel Universe
10:34- You have a Goblin Baby! ~Green Goblin to Flash Thompson
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Meeting Minutes (2/18/12)
6:57- Skeletor was born when a wizard motor-boated into Power Girl’s cleavage
7:02- Dan: “Are you still talking about boobies?”
7:08- Dan muses about ASSLAN. The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Bitch and the Whoredrobe
7:10- Frank Miller is the Ultimate Warrior and vice versa. Lightning strikes Frank when he yells “Destrucity” and becomes the Ultimate Warrior
7:13- I see you’ve been reading my internet history ~Javier. Yes, that’s why I have no eyes ~Dan
7:30- Iran has a squadron of female ninjas apparently
7:39- Select: (to Mike) Do what Courtney failed to do, DRAW IS A COVER!
7:51- RMonnie, He’s Barracking this house
8:01- Mike wrote “Samurai Lincoln” way before the conception of “Vampire Hunter Abraham Lincoln” therefore he was ripped off
8:03- Select eventually wants to ruin another Jane Austen classic by writing “Emma and Chuthulu”
8:16- Rosie O Donald said that she would not have sex with a little person because it’d be child abuse
8:20- ALF-Fred. (he eats Catwoman’s cats when Batman isn’t around)
9:02- If Phil was an anime, it would be Javier ~Dan
9:42- Baby Rorschach decided to visit
9:55- That’s America’s Dylan Dog, That’s Racist Against Americans!
10:07- Gwen Stacy really died from a Donkey Punch
Well, that’s that.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Meeting Minutes (2/9/12)
As a side note, here’s a shout out to Scout who provided the free food for this meeting: some Bareburger fries and dip that was shared amongst the members. Thanks a bunch! :D
For the Publication, our early deadline is set so far by our fearless leader Mike to be on the APRIL 19th. If things go awry however we will then set the late deadline for APRIL 26th. Even with this, you all should try to do your best to have stuff in by the former date.
5:58- “My Sandwich got bent; how’d this happen?” ~Mike
6:17- Spiderman gambles the life of his only living relative on Twinkies
6:20- In the Amazing Spiderman animated series, everyone in New York City’s a hunk: Doc Oc’s a hunk, Vulture’s a hunk ~Dan (roughly)
6:34- Keep his belt so he looks like a stripper leprechaun ~Dan (roughly) on Roddy Piper
6:36- I wish I had two grandpas ~Select
7:01- Scarlett Johansson as the Scarlett Witch (instead of Black Widow for the Avengers movie)
7:08- the following memes are hereby banned within meetings by Dan until further notice: Googas, druid chants, “Hey Woody,” (and some others I forgot)
7:20- Michael has to dress his Roddy Piper
7:23- We should make a “Men of CBL” pinup calendar ~Javier
7:31- Kitty Pryde is being Brood (we’re reading a porno basically)
7:36- Seth turns meeting into the CBL porno spoof
7:42- We have to steal the Declaration of Independence
7:57- Mike wants to make a trading card of Art Speilman’s father and call him “Farty Artie”
8:05- Doomcon is currently set for April 5th. Mark that on your calendars and get your action figures ready
8:13- Seth riffed “Mystery Science Theater 3000” style to the Adventures of Tintin in theaters
8:18- According to Javier, the Topcat movie is the most accurate cartoon to film adaptation he knows
8:19- Topcat is Mexico’s Spirited Away ~Javier
8:30- So wait, the Batwoman can use magic? ~Select
8:37- I feel like Tintin would write for the New York Times… magazine ~Mike
9:07- Hunter S. Thompson is the American Tintin (and his lawyers would be Haddock) ~Mike
9:25- “My Dinner with the New Avengers” coming soon…
...that's all I got.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Meeting Minutes FIRST SPRING (2/2/12)
But first, here is some news or whatever:
…I got nothing. Ummm…
We are planning a future action figure extravaganza. It’ll be DOOMCON2012, featuring our Latverian master Dr. Doom as our highest guest of honor. We will be having a Reed Richards roast with all your favorite Doombots! More details to come in the future.
7:10- we charge at the pizza like Moms on Black Friday
7:21- There’s enough time to complain about the Phantom Menace AFTER Introductions ~Mike
7:27- The best kind of insanity comes from making CBL comics (roughly paraphrased from Mike)
7:41- ALF!
7:45- We discuss the production of McCarBeth, again
7:54- Andrew Scott: I thought Seth was Jeff for the longest time
8:04- Every time you hide an issue of the Plague, an angel gets his wings ~Dan
8:17- In the Planet of the Apes (2001), the Charleston Hesston Ape was the ONLY ONE to have a gun. The ONLY gun left in existence.
8:37- Melodie draws a Chuthulu pony. Best day ever
8:47- Why is Cyclops saying “Chicken and Waffles?” ~Seth
9:03- Mary Jane decided to swing by
Ummm… At this point some people took my notebook away from me and decided to take matters into their own hands. I don’t know what happened between that time nor what was between said group, but when I finally got my notebook back this stuff was on it:
Must be some kind of pagan ritual art.
Anyway, it’s been fun. I hope to see all you cool cats back in future meetings
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Fall 2011 Publication: Attack of the Manhattan Whale!

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Meeting Minutes (12/15/11) LAST MEETING OF THE FALL SEMESTER
Sorry it took so long for me to get back on the internet and update the last of the meeting minutes. While I did spend the first week after the last meeting of the Fall semester working on finals, I had some things to do at home.
I turned this:
But enough of me, let's get the last of the meeting minutes up and running: