Select here with the maddening Meeting Minutes again
Due to the fact that my Spring Break has consisted of sitting at home doing nothing for most of the Break, I’ve gone mad with loneliness and therefore the voices in my head have once again returned. Seeing as “Mike” and “Dan” won’t stop pestering me about meeting minutes, I might as well satisfy them with whatever the imaginary versions of my friends are doing.
On the Aquabats popularity poll on the Hubworld for their show The Aquabats Super Show, MC Bat Commander is currently the most popular character on the show as of Episode 2. This is followed by Jimmy the Robot, Crash McLarson, EagleBones Falconhawk and finally Ricky Fitness. Ricky better get his own episode soon or he might lose in the popularity contest that is children’s television polls!

The weather in the San Francisco Bay Area is currently rainy followed by a chance of rain with a probability of drizzle. Or just cloudy, whichever comes first.
In Sports, children are playing in their recesses since they do not get spring breaks yet.
7:00- Select finishes playing Spiral Knights when Mike pesters him to write minutes
7:05- Select misquotes Dan for the five hundredth time he is Secretary and is berated once again
7:10- “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” ~Abraham Lincoln
7:13- Houdini is a thief who stole works from Long Tack-Sam
7:16- Sir Francis Bacon, also known as his pen name William Shakespeare, is the greatest play writer of our time
7:20- Cat~ “Down with the Bourgeois!”
7:23- “We are your average ordinary, superhuman punishers of evil ROCK AND ROLL BAND!” ~Mike
7:29- Strange enough Mary Jane and Armon decided to show up
7:35- Courtney beams in from space and tells us to buy the DLC for Mass Effect 3
7:40- Phil ~ “That’s a lie! Journalism is nothing like Tin-Tin!”
7:50- The Leaguers won’t leave Select alone when he is dining with his family
8:00-Alan Moore’s Watchmen is about Men with Watches
8:05- Batman Year One is about Batman as a freshman in Gotham University, where the nerd Bruce Wayne keeps the campus safe from bullying frat boys
8:10- Payton never watched Pulp Fiction
8:25- Andrew ~ “STOP SINGING THAT SONG!”
8:30- Bob Marley ~ “Money Can’t Buy Life.”
9:00- Select is introduced to the horror fan fiction that is “The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing.”
9:03- Seth ~ “C’mon guys, I’m the only one who brings comics every meeting. Stop trying to sacrifice me!”
9:45- David ridicules me for not including him in the minutes and constantly forgetting his name
10:01- Rorschach’s Journal: 10:01, March 15. Farted in Silk Spectre’s face with pants down. Funny. Good Joke. Night Owl horrified at my actions. Doctor Manhattan strangely intrigued by my actions. Must investigate further…
10:05- The publication will be canceled in favor of all our money being pooled to genetically create real Pokemonsters
10:10- Mike promised to leave my head if I take back the previous statement
And after that, something happened.
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