Select here with the meeting minutes and all that jazz...
This Saturday, October the 1st, will be 24 Hour Comic Day: founded by Scott McCloud, renowned cartoonist. Information can be found here. While the League isn't planning on anything for this event, we will support all artisans whom are to tackle this collosal task in spirit. :D
6:52- Roughly noted, Starfire is a 6'2" Snookie according to Dan
6:53- Wolverine's face melted off

6:56- You know who speaks in Absolute? THE SITH
6:57- It takes Mike a page to do a panel
7:00- Dan as Mary Jane: I like Catwoman's boobs
7:06- Chess with dice: when you make a move you roll a dice to see if it was a success
7:08- Select swallows a key so no one can get into the Publication lab
7:20- We talk about the Publication and see if we have any awesome volunteers to submit anything
7:26- Comic Book League Reboot: Manhattan Whale walks, Angry Girl is a Peace-loving hippie and Snow Baby is a crack addict
7:28- Metal Men were in the Amalgam Comics merged with the Brotherhood: Will Magnus and Magneto are brothers (thus forming the "Uncanny Brotherhood")
7:35- Today, we're learning about shapes ~Javi with a triangle in half
7:38- We need official club batarangs
7:40- Power Girl is noted for her tit window. Also noting a Mr. Mind Heroclix does in fact exist.
7:43- Now that Courtney is gone, Wendy is the one to be picked on in the club.
7:45- Javier states that baby skins smells like bacon
7:52- The Metal Men make their own troubles close to all the stories they have (16 out of 19 in the collector edition Javier shows)
8:01- Debate: Quebec should succeed from Canada.
8:09- Guy Gardner takes Ice to a strip place/porno theater (run by Black Hand) on their first date
8:18- Mary Jane went as Velma for her High School Halloween
8:23- Brock from Pokemon can smell the differences between women ie Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny
What a pervert schmuck
8:27- Mercury from the Metal Men dressed as Mercury from Sailor Moon
8:29- James Earl Jones was the voice of the baritone Fluttershy (Flutterguy) in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. 0__o
8:46- MAD has mad bronies
8:57- Jack Kirby is rising from the grave (to attend Comic Con this year)
9:15- The Joker picked up Brandon's water bottle
9:23- Mary Jane wants to be Almist
9:26- Back to the Future better than Ghostbusters: At least BTTF had a third movie, a second movie that was actually good and an actual actor from the live-action movie return to reprise a role for the animated series...
9:44- Andrew says Acme Novelty Date Book is not a great book
9:54- We're still here. Select: I'm a Bostonian by blood
9:55- Broke my heart. Interweb: It's just a series of tubes ~Select
10:00- Fanta of the Opera
10:08- Andrew: Sorry Harry, Hermione's still hot :D
10:15- 20 years from now: "PotterHeads"
10:26- We should go to a Quidditch match dressed as Death Eaters/Dementors
10:32- Umbrella Academy= Mary Jane wants to read
Well, that's it for this meeting. Whatever.
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