Friday, September 30, 2011
Meeting Minutes (9/29/11)

Friday, September 23, 2011
Meeting Minutes (9/22/11) HEROCLIX
Select here,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Club Fest Meeting Minutes (9/6/2011)
For those awesome people who found out about our awesome club from the Club Fest, you may have taken interest in our club with but the two minutes you spent at the table. However, what happened during the other hours that the Club Fest was active? Well, to satisfy no one's curiosity, here's but some of the Not Meeting Minutes But Club Fest Minutes that were recorded first by me then Dan Constales.
10:34- Mike cuts himself, bleeds excessively but continues on to carry the publication on like a true trooper (That's True Grit there ~Select)
10:48- Mike is proud of comic fan he set up :D
10:57- 900 dollars for razor blades
11:06- Dan had lunch not with Beetle Juice, but within his general facinity.
11:17- Select is going to moonlight for Xiao Wei of the Mathematics Society (go
- 11:34- Dan reveals plan for a Gotham City amusement attraction, featuring such oddities like the alley where the Waynes were murdered but with skeletons still there
11:58- Xiao Wei is back :D Wendy is doing a sign for him
12:00- Here comes the crowd! 0__o
12:11- We joke of what would happen if the Suite Life Series' Zack and Cody stars Cole and Dylan Sprouse were to just happen to come to the Comic Book League table.
12:12- We met with the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. One of the Sprouse Twins legitimately interested with our club (I'm sorry to say I can't remember which one) We were stunned for a few moments
12:30- Something or other...
12:31- hears Pokemon Snap in the Background
12:55- The Magic words to draw peoples' attention is "resume"
1:06- Publicate is indeed a word, at least from now it is
From this point on Dan bothered to do the minutes to some degree. Since he placed me in a bad light, my revenge upon him will be someday soon. I'm not going to say when and where, but trust me when I say that vengeance will be mine.
1:25- Sales pitches are sale pitches
1:30- Select leaves. Traitor.
1:31- Had to explain to Vietnamese Club that Thai club has better hookers.
2:48- Eitan Steals Comic Books
Around this point is when President Mike took the Minutes...
5:05- ClusterF*** at the entrance. Rain & Wristbands are bad combination
5:20- WIll is a better prmotion man fro the Math Society than the Math Society. "What kind of calculators you guys got? ...That derivatives, does rights?"
5:32- Will & Mike break off to take over another table thus forming CBL Beta/ The Bay Breeze Boys
5:34- That old magic is kinda there
5:41- The scales goes from Smoking, Sizzling, Well Crafted
5:50- "I gotta deactivate my email!"
5:56- Euclid is shaping up to be a fun character- The Kid Kobra Story lines just keep flowing.
And those are the Club Fest Meeting Minutes. Hope you guys enjoyed them. Not that anyone cares anymore or whatever.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Meeting Minutes 9/15/11
Well, here we are again with the meeting minutes and all that jazz.
Well, let's get this over with.
6:45- Select: How was your week? Wendy: It's was- (sees someone) Hey! What's up?
6:47- It's depressing Amanda Waller is attractive now.
6:48- Mogo died on Select's Birthday
6:52- It doesn't look like th fun trail mix with M&Ms (Wendy offers trail mix to Dan)
6:58- Soup comes out of Wendy's nose from laughing...
7:07- Dan will be Speedy. Bring a dead cat.
7:10- Will: Galactus joins the Green Lantern Corps.
7:12- Jake: There use to be chicken in this (container), but now there's not.
7:19- Dan: Who cares about Spiderman's parents? Even Spiderman doesn't care about Spiderman parents.
7:24- Will was just singing because everyone was singing
7:25- It's pronounce Swamp-THANG
7:30- Mike: Don't tear up my comics, I paid money for those!
7:34- Javier betrays us all
7:35- We steal stuff from the Drug Free Club...
7:38- Please, comics and drugs don't go together! Now go and read the Metal Men ~Javier
7:39- We all want Batman to sit on our faces
7:40- Wendy will turn us into a tree
7:44- Dan rips out Javier's vocal cords
7:50- Wendy will sow Seth in a Lolita dress...
7:50- Andrew has never been in the minutes & thus that goes into the meeting minutes...
7:58- Seth is curious how Gerudos in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time reproduce even though they are all female
8:03- Mike: They (all the villains) all love Gorilla Grodd
8:07- Everyone sprinted for the free pizza.
8:12- Gene Simmons worships the devil
8:13- Yoda is Javier's favorite Muppet
8:17- Nigel Thornberry was voiced by Tim Curry
8:19- Arthur taught us animals listen to Reggae
8:23- We rememebr Arthur cartoons
8:26- Select: What else can we remember?
8:31- They took away Michelangelo's num-chunks! ~Mike
8:32- ...Sexy Invisible Woman Statue and I didn't know how to feel about that because Invisible Woman is like my mom ~Seth
8:35- Nelson Mandala doing the Turtle dance
8:38- We're going to summon the spirit of Steve Ditko
8:42- Topcat is Mexico's most popular cartoon
8:43- Faithful Topcat movie to be made in Mexico
8:45- No one called out Jokey Smurf for being a suicide bomber
8:47- Romeo and Cars, MacCarBeth, Much Ado About Cars
8:48-Pope-Mobil in aother Pope-Mobil (bulletproof)
8:49- Andrew may be Bizzaro-Javier
8:51- That's So Raven is a modern version of MacBeth
8:58- Javier, "Let There Be Dinosaurs."
Well, that's that. Now to do something else.
Friday, September 9, 2011
First Meeting Meeting Minutes
To follow up with that, the great Craig Thompson, who is promoting his latest creation Habibi, is going to be at the Strand near Union Square on September 20th 6:00PM.
While you are not obligated or forced to go to the event, bear in mind that it was Wendy who wants everyone to go, which translated to "Go or you will Die." More information can be found here: http://www.strandbooks.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/event.show/ID/2ec42e56-bcc6-4ba0-9fc0-53b9d0f7347c
Lastly, let's promote a fine artisan who went to our CBL meeting, shall we? One Maggie of NYU has made some webcomics on the tumblr and they are indeed good.
7:06- something something beginning
7:07-PIZZA :D
7:08- "Mary Jane doesn't read the comments," Select think out loud...
7:09- Eat Pizza...
7:10- We have more people, new people in fact :D
7:11-7:26- Awkward Intros with the ice breaking are made
7:26- We propose to kill THE Batman.
7:27- Dan takes out notes from his iPhone for a speech
7:28- Some of us are cranky, but it comes with the position of seniority
7:28b- "Cut the shit, Aton" ~Dan
7:29- Macho Man, God rest his soul...
7:29b- We're scary at first, but we grow on you... we're really nice people.
7:30- Dan says people who don't come back to the meetings are like people from Jersey Shore.
7:31- "We may not be the club you need, but we are the club you deserve" ~Dan
7:32- Aton flashes everyone topless.... MUCH emotional scaring begins...
7:55- Maggie is NYU's Quidditch Seeker :D
7:59- The NYU board is discriminatory in that the Quidditch team isn't allowed due to it "Not being a sport or interest group"
8:07- Seth: If I drop out of NYU, will I be an alumni? Majority: YES
8:09- Mary Jane: can't think of something funny because you tell me to say something funny, Select.
8:12- I'm only saying that cause I'm Communist ~Select
8:14- Javier is Dead... to Me ~Select
8:15- Angry Birds the Movie: it will take place in New York City life-action style coming out of the sewers like all animated movies set in New York City nowadays.
8:28- President Mike does the Mario Jump.
8:35- We actually managed to maintain a good number of our freshmen interestees.
8:51- Mary Jane only wanted to be a lawyer because the law building in NYU is pretty and so are are the people in it (ala Legally Blonde)
8:55- It wasn't an ass because it was a horse ~Dan
9:05- "If Satan lived on Earth he would live in Jersey Shore because it's the Devil" ~Anonymous Jersey Shore resident
Well, that's all I got to say for now. Hope next week will be as exciting as this one.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Select here.
In my current state of madness as of Thursday September 1st, being bored out of my mind with the lack of internet at my current airline location, the voices in my head sounding a lot like Mike and the others convinced me to write down the meeting minutes for yet another Emergency Comic Book League meeting since they wouldn’t stop pestering me otherwise. I do not know where do these abominations come from, but I am typing the meetings as they are happening so as to not drift into a more broken state of my psyche. So, with no further things to get in my way, let the second emergency CBL meeting commence.
7:00- voices in my head tell me to write down meeting minutes
7:01- Second emergency CBL meeting is called to order
7:03- Select is scared that Dan can summon demons
7:05- Was there REALLY a demand for OMAC for the New 52?
7:07- Shazam
7:09- Select failed for the fifth time in trying to become Captain Marvel
7:11- Epic Kosher Time = and Falafel ball, and Falafel ball, and Falafel ball, and Falafel ball…
7:13- “Mike,” if that is really Mike, claims to descend from a long line of Italian kingdom saving plumbers
7:15- Wendy has a bloodthirsty look in her eyes, but this is normal even for the real Wendy
7:17- Fake Courtney can bench Aton, Select scared
7:20- Bob Marley is the cure for cancer
7:25- It is not called “Anime,” but “Japanime”
7:28- Aslan is on the move
7:30- Adam West is the best batman ever
7:32- The meeting minutes notes in two minutes are false
7:34- The previously stated meeting minutes notes two minutes ago are true
7:37- “Javier” is the spawn of Chuck Norris
7:40- Select is outraged that the so called “Human Centipede” movie doesn’t actually have a set of humans with 100 appendages (therefore a true centipede) and demands to be compensated for this poor state of affairs
7:43- Select realizes that Marvin the Martian is black
7:46- 1.21 Jigawatts
7:49- although manga is updated weekly and American comics are updated monthly (according to story arc), both ironically take about a year to finish up story arcs that no one likes
7:52- Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?
7:55- Spiral Knights is the best free-to-play MMO that Select has played
7:58- Select points out that Team Fortress 2 isn’t an MMO despite having a trade system and cash-shop system
8:00- Select pictures Crumb’s “Book of Genesis Illustrated” had it been done in Crumb’s normal style…
8:03- Will is somehow this Earth’s Ant-Man
8:06- Taimur is somehow this Earth’s Spiderman
8:10- Select is sad since he has no counterpart…
8:13- Select pictures Mike Tyson’s Punch Out if it was done as a Saturday morning cartoon
8:17- If you’re a murder who killed two parents and left a kid an orphan, realize that you just might have created Batman should you let the kid live…
8:20- Select realizes the previous statement is insensitive, and does not endorse the message. After all, it is the message of the crazy voices in his head as opposed to him.
8:24- Select wishes that Brentalfloss would do a “With Lyrics” about Castlequest.
8:27- Contrary to popular belief, the Comic Book League talks about other things than comic books…
8:30- If an animator makes cartoons, and a cartoonist makes comics, and a comic tells jokes, then does that mean one who animates is a “joke teller?”
8:33- Not real Mike is somehow the Dungeon Master of this reality
8:36- Laptop computers will literally burst into flames if not cared for correctly
8:40- All that the East Coast is missing now in terms of natural disasters is a volcanic eruption :D
8:43- No one remembers Bulletman
8:45- The voices in Select’s head finally gave up on tormenting him
So there you have it folks. By the time you read this, Select (I) would have been sedated and cared upon for the madness that happened. Hopefully, it won’t happen again. But, who’s to say?