Guess what? PUBLICATION!!
(click on it so it looks decent)
Yep, issue #6 of the Comic Book League's twice-a-year publication has hit stands. And by stands we mean that round table surrounded by a bunch of other magazines on the 7th floor of the Kimmel Center.
So, as i have stated before, corner an NYU student with some threatening object, like a comb, or seduce one with a Starbucks gift card—then politely ask him/her to go up to the the 7th floor of the Kimmel Center at Washington Square South and grab you an issue. Most NYU students can be tipped with some sort of eggplant-vegan side dish or a handful of buttons.
We attempted to leave some copies at the entrance of the Forbidden Planet Comic Book and Novelty Store down on Broadway, But the guy at the front desk questionably stared at our attempt at self-promotion and wandered off with the several issues we handed him. He may have not actually worked there, he could have been some vagrant or something. He kind of looked like the villain from True Lies but with a mustache.
So, over the following weeks, I and hopefully others will post some entertainment of some sort featured in our magazine here, from comic book panels to single page special things. We got one of them Obama-type poster parody things but with a Were-Cat. I don't have that file though, so someone else that's part of the League should post that.
At some point, we will start to post stories from past issues that are out of print, to act as a sort of database for those missing issues. Maybe we'll even explain what a "were-cat" is.
Speaking of nonsense, it's time for a page left on the cutting room floor! Print this out and pass it around your local doctor's office:
stay tuned.
side note:
Remember my webcomic submission fiasco that ended with me being classified with a bunch of furries? I expect not. Click here.
Well, i lost to this webcomic which won the entire contest. The humor of this webcomic's mastery has overwhelmed the internet. Utterly astounding. I cannot even comprehend a genius who could relate the video gaming arts to pastries. An act of true bravery in an undeserving art form—ingenuity, thy name is Out of Tens (now renamed Critical Miss, three words were too confusing, and prepositions in the middle of titles confuse the reader [the reader is stupid]).
So, yeah. One last hurrah for my dead webcomic: What could have been...
watch the skies.
Fancier Dan out.
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