7:10/ "Deadpool shines more with other characters," Michael said.
7:15/ Ugh. Low turnout. Only five people
7: 20/ Eiten brings a ton o' graphic novels!
7:40/ Second Nikelodeon reference of the night.
7:41/ A bunch of people show up. Just turns out they were late. Another successful meeting!
7:42/ Tentative publication discussed:
Mike & Phil: 9 pages
Michael: 6 pages
Mike: 4 pages
Eitan & Melodie: 9 pages
Courtney: 5 pages
Taimur and Connie: 5-8 pages
Dan and Andrew: 5 pages
Michael: 6 pages
Mike: 4 pages
Eitan & Melodie: 9 pages
Courtney: 5 pages
Taimur and Connie: 5-8 pages
Dan and Andrew: 5 pages
7: 45/ Courtney talks about a porn she has, Paintball Warriors.
7:55/ Phil "loves it"
8:00/ Melodie has great hair.
8:15/ "It reaches inside you on a level only cobra Commander could," Andrew said.
8:16/ "I'm not drawing Were-Cat junk," Phil said.
8:20/ Mike asks Phil to draw golden age Ferocious Fist

8:30/ Came up with publication schedule:
Oct. 26: Scripts due
November: Drawing month
Dec. 3: Finished comic due
November: Drawing month
Dec. 3: Finished comic due
9:00-10:00/ After club drinks for legal age members at the KGB bar.
Lol I like how my hair is now a label. Is this going to be a recurring conversation topic?