Friday, October 30, 2009
MarvelFest Radio
For everybody that was at MarvelFest, my radio post is online Here.
-Humorous Torch
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Meeting Minutes 10/22/09
7:09 Apparently Phil and Chloe wear their marvel shirts according to their mood. “Watch out if they are wearing Hulk Shirts…”
7:13 Phil doesn’t know how to say “Amadeus”
7:25 Michael shows us the inspiration for his comic.
7:47 Sandy does a great sketch of Agent 25
7:51 “You know what starts fights? Street Fighter II!” – Will
8:02 “What are you a Lazy Susan, get off that table!” – Will
8:03 Andrew is now officially “Thomas”
8:12 Thomas’ ID makes it look like he is from Hawaii… He’s not. Nor is his name Thomas
8:49 All crowd around to watch Teenage Mutant Tourettes Turtles
Marvel Line Up
Will – Hank Pym, The New Wasp
Mike – The Thing
Taimur – Spiderman
Phil – Magneto
Michael – Deadpool
Dan – Forebrush man
Andrew – Thor
Courtney – Rogue
MarvelFest Pictures!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Marvel Fest!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Meeting Minutes 10/15/09
7:15 Guy comes over and asks we are SciFi club… We directed him to the long pony tail section
7:20 Dan passes around his version of werecats
7:23 Michael teleports away
7:25 Gallatin was founded on the backs of French Maids
7:30 We check out Repo Genetic Rock Opera thingy and Day Breakers
7:35 Eiton says something racist
7:39 Just decide to watch an old X-men episode, “No Mutant is an Island”
8:00 Everyone is pleased but seriously since when do lasers put out fire and who came up with wheelchair transformation powers?
8:01 “OBEY ME!”
8:15 “The Big Question: Should the Balloon Boy Get Spanked?”
5 say no, 2 say yes.
8:20 is lame.
8:26 Balloon Transformation Powers!
8:32 Experience Willy Wonka’s Tunnel of Hell Reversed
8:34 Freaked Out.
8:43 Quote of the night: “Barrack n’ roll all night and party every day” - Mike
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Local Area Man Has Far Greater Knowledge Of Marvel Universe Than Own Family Tree
LA CROSSE, WI—Returning to his hometown to attend a cousin's wedding Saturday, Josh Sundling, 29, reportedly demonstrated on numerous occasions a vast, far more intricate understanding of the fictional Marvel Comics Universe than of his own family's genealogy.
Sundling, who cannot identify his ancestral homeland or the meaning of his surname, possesses extensive knowledge of the creation of superhero teams, the history of imaginary alien races, and the special powers of countless characters.
"We're from Sweden or Norway or somewhere around there," said Sundling, who when prompted can accurately detail the origins of each cartoon member of the X-Men, the Avengers, the Defenders, and the Squadron Supreme. "I don't know for sure. I never really asked about it."
Though Sundling reportedly reread several issues of Moon Knight recently and found himself enjoying the subplot of the hero's romantic involvement with Tigra, it is believed he did not realize his cousin was dating anyone until he received an invitation to the wedding.
"I guess Andy had been engaged for a while," Sundling said of his cousin Tom, whom he has met on 26 separate occasions and once spent two weeks with at summer camp but routinely confuses with other relatives. "One of my aunts was telling me about it. Whichever one used to have the long dark hair and kind of looked like former Alpha Flight member Diamond Lil."
"She cut it, though, and now it's white and curly," Sundling added. "Kind of looks like Daily Bugle editor in chief Joe Robertson's haircut. Especially if you look at those old issues from the '70s, back when Ross Andru was drawing him."
According to family sources, not only is Sundling not familiar with his family's heritage and history, but the 29-year-old also appears more emotionally attached to the fictional characters in his comic books than to many of his blood relatives.
"Josh has always loved those cartoons," said uncle Donald Grier, whom Sundling believes to be one of his father's friends from college. "I remember one time he cried after reading about Captain America, because the Captain's little helper guy had died."
"It was weird because I'd never seen him cry before," Grier said. "Not even at Papa's funeral.
Though Sundling is unaware that his grandmother was the first female valedictorian at La Crosse Central High, or that ancestors on his mother's side narrowly escaped famine by fleeing across the Atlantic with nothing but the clothes on their backs, he has been known to confidently discuss the histories of the Skrull, Kree, and Shi'ar civilizations. Sundling also has a working knowledge of Jean Grey's complex family tree, which contains multiple clones and characters from other realities.
Sources confirmed that Sundling does not know his grandmother's maiden name.
"It's so fascinating that Jean Grey and Cyclops had a child from an alternate future who ends up marrying Franklin Richards, who is the son of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman," said the man who did not recognize his own nephew at the wedding. "And then their kid, Hyperstorm, travels back in time and attacks the Fantastic Four."
"I've always been drawn to superhero pedigrees and how they pass traits down from one generation to the next," said Sundling, completely unaware that colon cancer runs in his family. "It'd just be cool to have something rare in common with your relatives."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Big Apple Con: Joe Quesada Q&A
Sticking with Hollywood, Quesada offered a brief update on "The First
Avenger: Captain America," with which he's had some involvement. "I've seen a
couple of outlines and an initial screenplay, and it's going to rock everyone's
socks off," he said. "It's very unexpected, the kind of movie it is." Quesada
added that "Captain America" sets up "The Avengers" in "a fantastic way" and
also mentioned that there is an undisclosed wish list of actors to play the
star-spangled superhero.Quesada said that there are plans for new projects from "Old Man Logan" artist Steve McNiven in the near future, but wouldn't elaborate any further than that. As for his own artistic plans in the near future, he said that he'll be supplying interior art for a secret project coming out in 2010, but would only wind up doing a quarter of the title's interiors due to his commitments as editor-in-chief. "You'll like the rest of it," he told fans.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Meeting Minutes 10/8/09
7:02 CBL is marking their territory lion style in the kimmel Center 7th floor lounge... (Was going to include picture but after seeing a few from google thought it be better left to the imagination)
7:07 Big Turn Out... But where is Spidey?
7:12 Phil just bashed Hawkman... Courtney is enraged.
7:13 Taimur arrives!
7:16 "Blue Lanterns are Obama Lanterns," says Taimur
7:18 Awesome shirt on New Member, Chris - "Magneto was right"
7:19 Werecat is now the CBL mascot.
7:20 "Why aren't there Brown Lanterns?" - Michael "Because that would be shitty" - Chris
7:26 "Children are creepy" - Eiton
7:28 The Penis Game begins and ends suddenly
7:30 The truth comes out that is was Courtney who came up with "werecat" but Mike tells her she will not receive credit... she is not surprised.
7:36 Penis Game begins again, we have now caught the attention of other clubs, including our arch-nemesis, SciFi Club.
7:45 Johnny Quest!
7:50 "I heard 'Tight' and 'Maximum'" - Eiton
7:52 Thinking of starting a war with SciFi club
7:55 Scifi member comes near our area, Will deems him Black Manta and ries to call fish to destroy him.
7:56 Courtney rants about Plastic Man
8:02 Two memebers are setting up a fight for Saturday after Chemistry
8:09 Zing of the night: "You wanna be hot girl?"
8:13 The meeting gets out of hand
8:22 Jean gets slapped by Eiton.
To fight the forces of SciFi darkness some of the members of CBL have become superheroes and formed their own justice league to ensure victory against these dangerous foes.
The Line Up is as follows....
Will - Aquaman
Mike - Green Arrow
Taimur - Captain Marvel
Phil - Manbat
Jean - Creeper
Eiton - Vigilante
Courtney -Hawkgirl
Melodie - Black Canary
Sandy - Zatanna
Dan - Ambush Bug
Michael - Green Lantern
Andrew - Mogo
Thanks to everyone who came out and we hope to see you next week for another exciting chapter of Comic Book League!
Friday, October 9, 2009
The New York Comic Shop
Here, in its complete form, is my first short film. I couldn't have made it without the generous, animated members of the Comic Book League. Thanks so much!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
More Cover Work
I didn't want my "sword bullets" to take away from the cover concept, so I redrew it. Of course, I don't know if the Red Eagle or the Clown will be in this issue, but was just showing an idea of what we could do. Also, I don't think we want were-cats on the cover, but that is something we will have to vote on. Excelsior!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Getting October Started Right!
7:10/ "Deadpool shines more with other characters," Michael said.
7:15/ Ugh. Low turnout. Only five people
7: 20/ Eiten brings a ton o' graphic novels!
7:40/ Second Nikelodeon reference of the night.
7:41/ A bunch of people show up. Just turns out they were late. Another successful meeting!
7:42/ Tentative publication discussed:
Michael: 6 pages
Mike: 4 pages
Eitan & Melodie: 9 pages
Courtney: 5 pages
Taimur and Connie: 5-8 pages
Dan and Andrew: 5 pages
7: 45/ Courtney talks about a porn she has, Paintball Warriors.
7:55/ Phil "loves it"
8:00/ Melodie has great hair.
8:15/ "It reaches inside you on a level only cobra Commander could," Andrew said.
8:16/ "I'm not drawing Were-Cat junk," Phil said.
8:20/ Mike asks Phil to draw golden age Ferocious Fist

8:30/ Came up with publication schedule:
November: Drawing month
Dec. 3: Finished comic due
9:00-10:00/ After club drinks for legal age members at the KGB bar.