Who is This Masked Marvel?!?!?!?

CUP O' Q&A: Spider-Man & The Hulk!
Kiel Phegley: We also got some questions about Spidey's new supporting cast with perpetual question asker Spidey616 wondering: "There's a few new characters we haven't seen in the ASM title for awhile and I was wondering if the Web Heads have plans for them in the next year: Bill Hollister, Paper Doll, Overdrive, and Jackpot?"
Joe Quesada: Yo, Spidey616, great seeing you at the Barnes & Noble signing the other day, thanks for all your support. You'll be seeing most if not all of these characters again; they're all a part of Spidey's world now, so they'll turn up as the occasion demands it. Jackpot will be getting a limited series starting in January, and we've seen Norah Winters relatively consistently since she first appeared.
One of our goals since the end of “One More Day” and the beginnings of Brand New Day was to develop a whole new and large cast of characters for Peter’s world. Outside adding some freshness and a modern sensibility to the title, we felt that our go-to villains and cast members were way too often overused, were dropping like flies and/or moving on with their lives. Now that we’ve built these new cast members, we plan to use them.....
Kiel Phegley: And to wrap on two villain questions, Spidey616 wanted to say, "It seems like forever since Hulk's classics rogues faced off against the Jade Giant. Can we expect some of his classic villains to appear in the not too distant future? In particular The Leader, last seen in Greg Pak's Warbound mini."
Joe Quesada: Spidey616, dude, you are becoming a celebrity. Here’s the skinny, fans of the Hulk’s rogues’ gallery will have some pleasant surprises coming the, just on the horizon, giant, green and red event known as … “WORLD WAR HULKS!!!”
Holy crap - You're like Joe Q.'s favorite fan!