Saturday, September 12, 2009

Giant-Sized Club Fest Meeting Minutes

Ah, the Fall Club Fest…

It’s got everything you hate about big conventions: it gets hot and stuffy, there’s way too many people shoved into small aisles limiting pedestrian traffic, tons of freebies that end up on the floor or in the trash, and remarkably strange booths manned by aggressive table jockeys.

And yet there’s an unmistakable excitement –a certain magic in the air, if you will –when you’re pressing the flesh at your group’s table, spreading the Gospel of the Comic Book League.

12:17: Phil and Mike start unbuttoning their shirts in the Kimmel Lounge.

12:27: Impromptu photo session.

12:45: A foot race between Superboy (Phil) and Spider-Man (Mike) on the rooftop track of Coles seems like a good publicity stunt at the time. Also, Taimur’s alleged fear of elephants.

1:26: Phil and Mike inconspicuously steal chairs from other tables, thus breaking the Club Fest record for “The Largest Number of People Sitting at One Club’s Table” at 4 people.

2:25: Shattered the previous year’s total of people who signed up.

2:37: Guy wearing “Ghostbusters” t-shirt passes by for the third time. He still ignores Taimur.

2:38: Taimur considers throwing candy bar at him…again.

2:48: “If I didn’t care about the First Days of Animal Man and the Middle Days of Animal Man, why would I care about the Last Days of Animal Man?” –Mike.

2:53: Banana peel guy.

3:03: Finished our first sign-up sheet!

3:10: Met Jack Kirby’s great nephew.

3:16: And then there were 2…

3:43: Taimur is finally recognized…sorta.

3:45: Finished our second sign-up sheet!

4:00: And there was 1…

4:20: We’re at 48 names on the list!

4:25: Taimur and Phil spot a guy with Venom shirt. He signs up.

4:28: What Taimur looks for in a woman…hilarity ensues.

4:30: What Phil looks for in a woman.

4:36: Taimur throws a piece of chocolate at a guy with a Batman shirt on. He was still unresponsive.

4:40: Taimur actually starts reading “DC Superfriends”. Engergy/Excitement levels going down. “It’s what I thought it would be,” Taimur said.

4:45: “Xice” is allegedly the best comic alive, according to one passerby.

5:10: Guy with “X-Men” shirt signs up. Almost simultaneously, Taimur begins talking comics with the guy at the Christian (SEED) table next to us.

5:25: We set up over two tables!

5:26: Courtney’s back!

5:37: Phil leaves.

5:38: Phil pretends to be a potential member.

5:41: Courtney and Taimur think about starting a dance party.

5:43: Successful flag down of guy wearing a Batman hat.

5:55: The Comic Book League is going to help out Homecoming!

5:56: 4th sign-up sheet filled!

6:13: Mike returns. Also tries to be potential member.

6:27: Taimur leaves. Asked him to get 100 Nazi scalps; he got 200.

6:36: In-depth discussion of “Inglourious Basterds”. Conclusion: Christoph Waltz should win an Academy Award for his role as Col. Hans Landa.

7:02: Club Fest Total: 102 prospective members!


  1. I only have one question.... Why are you scared of elephants Taimur???

  2. Let's just say it involves a childhood viewing of Dumbo. ELEPHANTS ON PARADE! This is why elephants should not drink....;)
