Ya see, we're really kind of a school association type thing, so when it's not school type time thing we don't seem to want to update.
Also, I don't really know how a lot of these things work, as showcased by the half of that comic I made down below all cut up and the like.
So many things can be discussed.
I was thinking of making a review similar to the Kick-Ass review for Ironman 2, but i wasn't so emotionally or willingly connected to the film (it was all right, that's really anyone can say), so that never materialized. Things will eventually get interesting in a month or 2, when we find reason to update and talk comics and all that nonsense.
What can I add here? Uh, I can post items of nerd interest
this sums up what Comic-Con has become. And
this explains it nicely more directly.
--How about that
Green Lantern? He sure looks kind of stupid.
I'm all for CGI and all that stuff, but it's not like the whole suit has to be make-believe. Make the symbol all CG-glowy, that's all you need to do. I mean, most of the Ironman suit from the movie is actually real when Ironman is off doing silly Robert Downey Jr. things and eating donuts with Sam Jackson. It worked for that, it could have worked with this movie, which Warner Bros is obviously bouncing off of when they decided to do this film in the first place ("That Ironed-Man motion picture did well? Then we could use one of our similar funny paper characters to do the same thing... Meh!")
I also still think Bradley Cooper would have made a better Hal Jordan. He has that adult, mature look, and Ryan Reynolds still looks like Van Wilder or whatever horrible person he played in 'The Proposal'.
I feel a better connection can be made with a superhero film to its comic book alternate when they both look similar and are relatively streamlined; I mainly think the weird plated muscles are a little too much and distracting. In the end, hell, I don't know. Maybe the movie will be awesome. The mask looks good.
Look how dynamic
this awesome set photo looks of our emerald avenger.
I like the little dog narrowly get crushed underneath Ryan Reynolds confident strides from trailer to probable green screen sound stage. Hope he's in the movie.
--Nathan Fillion is not Ant-man but he is still awesome.
--Why is a new Tron movie coming out and why does anyone care? I mean, the first one was kind of shitty as it was and all these young people that buy tickets for these new movie-films were born after the original movie came out. It's out of the modern consciousness. Kids don't know who Charlie Chaplin is, and they don't care. 'Tron: Legacy'? What legacy? I didn't even know who Bruce Hornsby was until I saw 'World's Greatest Dad' (directed by
Bobcat Goldthwait). So, yeah, I don't see the marketability.
And this is just another attempt by Disney to tap into pop culture society to get people to like them, even when they're not doing a Pixar or pirate movie. Lately Disney has been tapping into the wrong market, trying to get that teenage and above male demographic with that I-want-to-be-another-Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-movie 'Prince of Persia' and that 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' thing, with neither doing well. And I have no idea what
this is about but it's a terrible, terrible idea.
In conclusion: It's not like it's frickin' Indiana Jones. It's Tron.
--Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk?!!... eh, whatever.
--That 'Predators' movie that everyone thought Robert Rodriguez directed but was actually directed by some guy named Nimrod came out to relatively no acclaim. It just fizzled away. It seems like there's no market for these types of rated R movies, with all the box office noise going to those big 3D CGI fests for everyone, acceptable animated films (which are also 3D), or some romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock playing some horrible, horrible person. Last good one was probably District 9--but it's like none can find that niche. It seems like most horror movies don't do well nowadays (I could be incorrect about this considering some are cheap to make) and those R-rated action films of yesteryear are nearing extinction, at least box office breaking-wise.... Prove me wrong, America.
Adrien Brody at least has one
thing going for him now...
There you go.
Maybe I'll do another one of these later. I don't know. I need to post some of my own comics to fill this void, or comics from past issues.
Here's my
Twitter, in which I have literally 2 followers. Help me make it three! Or at least two again, because I'm pretty sure one is going to drop me soon.
This picture makes my heart swell ever so wonderfully: