Friday, February 3, 2012

Meeting Minutes FIRST SPRING (2/2/12)

Select here with the First Meeting Minutes of the Spring!

But first, here is some news or whatever:


…I got nothing. Ummm…

We are planning a future action figure extravaganza. It’ll be DOOMCON2012, featuring our Latverian master Dr. Doom as our highest guest of honor. We will be having a Reed Richards roast with all your favorite Doombots! More details to come in the future.


7:10- we charge at the pizza like Moms on Black Friday

7:21- There’s enough time to complain about the Phantom Menace AFTER Introductions ~Mike

7:27- The best kind of insanity comes from making CBL comics (roughly paraphrased from Mike)

7:41- ALF!

7:45- We discuss the production of McCarBeth, again

7:54- Andrew Scott: I thought Seth was Jeff for the longest time

8:04- Every time you hide an issue of the Plague, an angel gets his wings ~Dan

8:17- In the Planet of the Apes (2001), the Charleston Hesston Ape was the ONLY ONE to have a gun. The ONLY gun left in existence.

8:37- Melodie draws a Chuthulu pony. Best day ever

8:47- Why is Cyclops saying “Chicken and Waffles?” ~Seth

9:03- Mary Jane decided to swing by

Ummm… At this point some people took my notebook away from me and decided to take matters into their own hands. I don’t know what happened between that time nor what was between said group, but when I finally got my notebook back this stuff was on it:

Must be some kind of pagan ritual art.

Anyway, it’s been fun. I hope to see all you cool cats back in future meetings


1 comment:

  1. Haha I was not responsible for bewbs or the chicks attached to them. Just Teen Wolf MJ
