Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meeting Minutes (11/10/11)

Select here with the Meeting Minutes and all that jazz.

We had some cool cats from come over to our meeting today to talk about their stuff. Specifically, MIke and Casey from OUR HERO came and hung out with us. Whether they decide to stick around more in the future is up to them, but that's to note...

But enough of that, let's get onto the Meeting Minutes or whatnot...


6:44- Sometimes, Namor can control fish (Fair enough)

6:46- Dan demands (Shazam) Captain Marvel in a bikini

6:51- Javier is in MARVEL Point One

6:53- Select: YOU ASSCRACK!

6:54- Mike, Michael, Mikey

7:00- Aton brought enough Cheez-It's to share for everyone

7:03- Nova says EPIC FAIL (again, Marvel Point One)

7:10- Blackest Night cupcakes made from real zombies

7:18- Seth really writing a Swamp Thing porn parody

7:20- Kat just died. RIP

7:26- Select IS the meeting minutes

7:29- Kat has a criminal record

7:30- Seth debates to find a heterosexual sassy comic book character. Kid Loki is Sassy

7:31- Karl Marx is the only thing that makes Kat happy

7:32- Starfox is apparently a sassy superhero (not the Nintendo one, the Marvel one)

7:33- Tom Hanks can sell Ice to a Polar Bear

7:44- Wizard 2 is what's everyone's waiting for

7:45- Wizard quote of the day "HE TOUCHED MY BREAST"

7:49- Dr Manhattan can disintergrate at will

7:55- Loki knows Internet memes

7:58- DC Relaunch is more Republican "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

8:04- Alfred- "Master Bruce, I've organize your titty collection."

8:11- Uatu the Watcher allowed to sleep! Who knew? (picture this, the Watcher in Joel/Mike's job in Mystery Science Theater 3000)

8:14- Armon created the most awesome Scarecrow spin-off concept ever

8:18- MJ not here. Apparently she's a traitor...

8:20- There's talk of a Manhattan Whale X New York Narwhal shipping amongst the members 0__o

8:27- Michael Jackson spawned from Michael Jordan going through the cartoon world in Space Jam

8:30- the true tragedy of DC Universe Online is that all Braniac wanted was a pair of pants.

8:33- Black Cat, you're a whore
8:39- Dan is stuck in a chair

8:40- Dumb Batman is Dumb

8:42- Jim Lee's Scooby Doo Adventure to be planned

8:55- Comics are for kids :D

9:06- Superman's stealth is to fly/run so fast that one cannot see him!

9:09- Chris Angel VS Superman, who would win?

9:11- The 90's ARE BACK :D

9:16- Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 is a crazy girl...

9:27- Batman on MAURY...

9:34- necrophilia exists for a reason, romancing the corpse with GELATO

9:35- Cunning-linguist

9:39- CBL Afterhours: Venom Sex Line. Mostly talk of tounge "You can wear me like a symbiote"

10:12- Prophecy of Brad Pitt's death from Dan. To happen on Kat's Birthday


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