Saturday, October 22, 2011

Meeting Minutes (10/20/11)

Select here with the meeting minutes and all that cool jazz.

Well, I hope that you all had an awesome Comic Con (for those who joined us, otherwise you missed out on something magical). I'll not state anymore than the fact that most of us had a wonderful time.

But anyway, let's get to the minutes or whatever.


7:01- Power girl noted for her costume...

7:05- SHAZAM! Curse of Shazam to reappear the Big Red Cheese this January of Justice League #5. Hooray! :D

7:07- Javier and Select talk of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's equivalent of Captain Marvel, Captain Friendship. A Young Philly Batson would get to use the Elements of Harmony by yelling the horse wizard's name: TRAPFR!

7:18- Ambush Bug was in Arkham Asylum

7:20- Phantom Stranger has NO backstory

7:26- Fear Itself ended with the cast becoming Jim Henson's MARVEL babies ie the Super Hero Squad

7:32- Archie should choose the Harem ending and mary BOTH Betty and Veronica

7:39- Jimmy Olsen never gets any Superman ass like Lois Lane ~Dan

7:54- Amanda wants a baby so to put it in a watermelon

7:58- Jim Lee will give Mr. Mind worm boobs in Curse of Shazam much to the dismay of the DC community

8:06- The kids from Kid React to are discrimatory

8:23- Aton perked up when we mentioned "What if PBC's Nova was 4 different people?"

8:26- Nick Cage is what you get when you transfer Samuel L Jackson to a white person

8:27- Javi and Rebekkah still playing Magic

8:39- Spiderman's an asshole (at least in What If? Classic)

8:45- Sexy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Comic Con

8:47- Mary Jane gives away a bunch of body wash that looks phallic for some odd reason

8:49- Seth is an asshole. He smells like Beef Curry tastes and wears women's clothing and hangs around in bars.

9:03- We talk about college for some odd reason

9:26- Hooded Woman in all the DC New 52 is Supergirl-Prime

9:30- Select likes characters that no one gives a crap about, especially if they're from the Silver Age

9:35- Brandon asks that he is mentioned subtly.


9:38- Now we're talking about how coffee tastes

9:43- This got really quiet: John Malchovitch

9:44- John from Garfield is really John Malchovitch

9:45- Select outwitted the Devil himself

9:55- Heated debate on whether Superman or Batman would win in a fight. Personally, I think Captain Marvel is the best. (Kingdom Come is proof he can best Superman and Batman)

10:03- Dan nosebleed to Namor in a shell thong

After this, we went and got cookies and there was a heated debate of Socialism or something that lasted for several hours or something. I didn't care further than that.

Anyway, till next time.

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