Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meeting Minutes: 4/9/09

7:31: Idea to Photoshop funny pictures of ourselves into the publication seems like a good idea

7:33: Current events discussion. “Current events reflect comic books,” said Mike. We mentioned the earthquake in Italy and pirates.

7:35: Sequel to Dragonball?!

7:37: “Decline of the Western world?” said Mike in reference to Fast & Furious

7: 41 Taimur suggested the Popemobile should be used in our proposed sequel, Fast & Furious: Vatican City Drift de la Italia

7:42 Mike: “The climax will be Pope Benedict propped up against the Plexiglas doing Tokyo drift in the Popemobile.”

7:46: Phil delivers his predictions of the Young Avengers. Taimur said he was wrong.

7:53: Stan Lee’s will, according to Mike, will involve Stan swinging down from the top of Marvel Studios with Spider-Man webbing upon the publication of Amazing Spider-Man #1,000. A bus will then hit him with all the Marvel characters on it (drawn by Alex Ross – a pro-bono job).

8:00: Best idea of the night. Mike wanted to know if we could print the publication in black, white, and RED. Way to go Mike!

8:06: Meeting ends with Mike’s plan to promote club next year by flyering in all of Washington Square Park by throwing leaflets off Bobst. The Washington Square News headline would read, “Bags and Boards litters Washington Square Park. Bloomberg Mad at Sexton. Sexton Mad at Bags and Boards. Bags and Boards Still Angry at Jeph Loeb.”


  1. Sorry I missed it, y'all! I was at a play - The Toxic Avenger- with my adviser. Sounds like a good meeting though! Looking forward to next week :)

  2. *7:53: I believe it is spell pro-bono, or at least that is what my Latin senses are telling me.

    Yes, it will be pro-bono in the sense that Ross will not get paid for this job. Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada will tell Alex Ross that the "check is in the mail" and never resume contact with Ross ever again. Ever.

    Subsequently, upon the death of Stan Lee, it will be revealed that this existence is nothing more than a giant comic book. After reading the last panel, God will close the book and say: "This arc was pretty good, I guess; nothing like the original. You could've done a better job with certain characters, but I liked it. Seriously, though, who the heck is Red Hulk?" THE END.

  3. It's not my fault, Phil! Only if something in Latin is spelled incorrectly, then I have to point it out because my Latin senses start tingling.

    Besides, I had a grammatical error myself. See the first sentence? "I believe it is 'spell'"?! Me not so good with words, like Bizzaro Superman.

  4. After Dragonball's Box Office total last weekend, a sequel looks VERY unlikely now. Thank God
