Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fall 2011 Publication: Attack of the Manhattan Whale!

Select here with news and such.

The Fall 2011 Publication has been out for a week, so go pick up your copy at Kimmel 7th Floor if you can.

We'll be at the Spring 2012 Club Fest this coming Tuesday. Feel free to stop by to give your support and pick up your copy of the publication there as well. In addition, if you feel like volunteering some time to maintaining the table at said club fest, send President Mike an e-mail or find him on Facebook. Incidentally, you can tell us whether you can help on our Facebook group page as well.

Our official meetings shall begin this coming Thursday at 7 PM Kimmel 7th Floor. Hope to see you all there!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Meeting Minutes (12/15/11) LAST MEETING OF THE FALL SEMESTER

Select here.
Sorry it took so long for me to get back on the internet and update the last of the meeting minutes. While I did spend the first week after the last meeting of the Fall semester working on finals, I had some things to do at home.

I turned this:

Into THIS:

And all in a span of ten collective days, working from ten to six with my dad.

But enough of me, let's get the last of the meeting minutes up and running:


7:00- You should play piano (they yelled at me) but I had ADD ~Dan

7:09- Samuel L Jackson is Javi's shrink

7:12- speaking of Boners, Santa has a holiday Log ~Javi


7:18- Seth wants Superman's head hanging over his fireplace

7:23- Mary Jane was run over by a bike

7:28- Kryptonians hatch from eggs apparently

7:32- Gotham City is the Jersey Shore of the DC universe

7:35- Considering NYU is "Empire State University" in the Marvel universe, would Peter Parker come to the Comic Book Leauge meetings?

7:43- DOOMCON2011 ~Leading Panel: How to Defeat Reed Richards. ~Guest Stars: Luke Cage, MODOK, and Doctor Doom Himself

7:52- Can we have a moment of silence for the Jaws and Back to the Future ride in Universal Studios?

7:58- The kid from Ape Escape should go get the people from Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2

8:06- Disney has an Ellen ride

8:20- the Squirtle Squad arrested by Officer Jenny for being an organized crime syndicate

8:25- We talk about creating Pokemon in real life with the magic of genetics

8:47- Are we collecting pound puppies? ~Dan

8:52- The Omnipotous God being the Lorax is now Danny Devito

9:38- We recall the Legend of the Hidden Temple

9:56- looks like the Hunter became the Huntress...

10:21- let's just smith some Dwarven Axes ~Andrew

10:24- Comic Book League presents "Gorilla Head Cheese"

10:26- Dog Dick, He's a dog and he's a detective


10:35- Next CBL we're recording a Satanic Album for the holidays

10:44- Our Top Priority for the next session: dress as Fantasm inspired Druids and go to the Bobst Library late at night, surround people and make creepy pagan chants to scare the crap out of them. What we need; elk horns, Renassiance doctor masks, robes and elevator shoes

WELL, that's the end of that. I hope to see all you cool cats in the next semester.
